edc-appointment 1.0.7
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Appointment module for clinicedc/edc projects
Unverified details
These details have not been verified by PyPIProject links
- License: GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3) (GPL license, see LICENSE)
- Author: Erik van Widenfelt
- Tags django, appointments, data, collection, clinicedc, clinical, trials
- Requires: Python >=3.12
- Environment
- Framework
- Intended Audience
- License
- Operating System
- Programming Language
Project description
This module works closely with edc_visit_tracking and edc_visit_schedule.
Subject data is collected on predefined timepoints. We describe these data collection timepoints in a visit_schedule as provided by edc-visit-schedule. In edc-appointment timepoints are represented by appointments. edc-appointment provides classes for creating and managing appointments.
See also edc-visit-schedule.
A model mixin for the Appointment model. Each project may have one appointment model. For example:
class Appointment(AppointmentModelMixin, RequiresConsentModelMixin, BaseUuidModel):
class Meta(AppointmentModelMixin.Meta):
consent_model = 'edc_example.subjectconsent'
app_label = 'edc_example'
Appointment is a required foreignkey for the visit report
The Appointment model is a required foreignkey for the visit report. Be sure to set on_delete=PROTECT.
class SubjectVisit(VisitModelMixin, OffstudyMixin, CreatesMetadataModelMixin,
RequiresConsentModelMixin, BaseUuidModel):
appointment = models.OneToOneField(Appointment, on_delete=PROTECT)
objects = VisitModelManager()
class Meta(VisitModelMixin.Meta):
consent_model = 'edc_example.subjectconsent'
app_label = 'edc_example'
A model mixin for the model that triggers the creation of appointments when the model is saved. This is typically an enrollment model.
Adds the model field facility. The value of field facility tells the CreateAppointmentsMixin to create appointments for the subject on dates that are available at the facility.
class Enrollment(EnrollmentModelMixin, CreateAppointmentsMixin,
RequiresConsentModelMixin, BaseUuidModel):
class Meta(EnrollmentModelMixin.Meta):
visit_schedule_name = 'subject_visit_schedule.schedule1'
consent_model = 'edc_example.subjectconsent'
app_label = 'edc_example'
When Enrollment declared above is saved, one appointment will be created for the subject for each visit in schedule schedule1 of visit_schedule subject_visit_schedule.
Note: the value for facility must be provided by the user, either through the form interface or programmatically.
Customizing appointment scheduling by Facility
see edc_facility
Available Appointment Model Manager Methods
The Appointment model is declared with AppointmentManager. It has several useful methods.
first_appointment() last_appointment()
Returns the first (or last) appointment. If just the subject_identifier is provided, the first appointment of the protocol for the subject is returned. To be more specific, provide {subject_identifier=subject_identifier, visit_schedule_name=visit_schedule_name}. To be even more specific, {subject_identifier=subject_identifier, visit_schedule_name=visit_schedule_name, schedule_name=schedule_name}.
The most common usage is to just provide these values with an appointment instance:
first_appointment = Appointment.objects.first_appointment(appointment=appointment)
next_appointment() previous_appointment()
The next and previous appointment are relative to the schedule and a visit_code within that schedule. If next is called on the last appointment in the sequence None is returned. If previous is called on the first appointment in the sequence None is returned.
For example, in a sequence of appointment 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000:
>>> appointment.visit_code
>>> next_appointment = Appointment.objects.next_appointment(appointment=appointment)
>>> next_appointment.visit_code
But you can also pass an appointment instance and pass the visit code:
>>> appointment.visit_code
>>> next_appointment = Appointment.objects.next_appointment(
appointment=appointment, visit_code=3000)
>>> next_appointment.visit_code
If you ask for the next appointment from the last, None is returned:
>>> appointment.visit_code
>>> next_appointment = Appointment.objects.next_appointment(
appointment=appointment, visit_code=3000)
>>> next_appointment.visit_code
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'visit_code'
The previous_appointment acts as expected:
>>> appointment.visit_code
>>> previous_appointment = Appointment.objects.previous_appointment(appointment=appointment)
>>> previous_appointment.visit_code
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'visit_code'
This method will delete all appointments for a subject after a given datetime. See also edc-offstudy.
Appointment is usually a foreignkey of a visit model. It’s important when using this method to ensure that when declaring Appointment as a foreignkey you explicitly set on_delete=PROTECT. If you don’t, the deletion will cascade to other related instances – and that’s bad.
appointment = models.OneToOneField(Appointment, on_delete=PROTECT)
Allowing appointments to be skipped using SKIPPED_APPT
Set settings.EDC_APPOINTMENT_ALLOW_SKIPPED_APPT_USING to a list of tuples .. [(lower_label, field_name), …]. The default is []:
EDC_APPOINTMENT_ALLOW_SKIPPED_APPT_USING = [("edc_appointment_app.nextappointment", "appt_date")]
When set, options to skip the appointment will be available on the Appointment form.
- Note:
This option does not make sense for longitudinal trials following a protocol defined schedule. However if part of the follow up is driven by routine care, for example, where patients do not follow a strict schedule, then it may be useful.
Using a CRF to record the next appointment date
For routine care, the next appointment date is not set by the protocol. The EDC will create appointments according to the visit schedule as usual, but the dates will be approximate. You can administer a CRF at the end of each visit to capture the next appointment date. A signal will update the appointment that best matches the date given. Use this together with SKIPPED_APPT (see above).
Set settings.EDC_APPOINTMENT_MAX_MONTHS_TO_NEXT_APPT to a limit the number of months ahead for next appointment date:
# model.py
class NextAppointmentCrf(NextAppointmentCrfModelMixin, CrfModelMixin, BaseUuidModel):
class Meta(CrfModelMixin.Meta, BaseUuidModel.Meta):
verbose_name = "Next Appointment"
verbose_name_plural = "Next Appointments"
# forms.py
class NextAppointmentCrfForm(NextAppointmentCrfModelFormMixin, CrfModelFormMixin, forms.ModelForm):
form_validator_cls = NextAppointmentCrfFormValidator
class Meta:
model = NextAppointmentCrf
fields = "__all__"
# admin.py
@admin.register(NextAppointmentCrf, site=intecomm_subject_admin)
class NextAppointmentCrfAdmin(NextAppointmenCrftModelAdminMixin, CrfModelAdmin):
form = NextAppointmentCrfForm
Project details
Unverified details
These details have not been verified by PyPIProject links
- License: GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3) (GPL license, see LICENSE)
- Author: Erik van Widenfelt
- Tags django, appointments, data, collection, clinicedc, clinical, trials
- Requires: Python >=3.12
- Environment
- Framework
- Intended Audience
- License
- Operating System
- Programming Language
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File details
Details for the file edc_appointment-1.0.7.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: edc_appointment-1.0.7.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 116.6 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/6.1.0 CPython/3.12.4
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 40fa83f336445e38125d4eacd6f4fd942fd2f50192e5a3f36a15fe9aef1ec2b7 |
MD5 | 0759e8d36875d50a2da7187ad20f155c |
BLAKE2b-256 | bde9395d9b95d93fa1ffde9a33d102c551137dc5f72d7f80b6ccee461bbd0198 |
File details
Details for the file edc_appointment-1.0.7-py3-none-any.whl
File metadata
- Download URL: edc_appointment-1.0.7-py3-none-any.whl
- Upload date:
- Size: 175.9 kB
- Tags: Python 3
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/6.1.0 CPython/3.12.4
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | a97c8e7b8906d5b5f1d7c7e8c9f2f15b191266744eac77eb8ff97417de9b323c |
MD5 | 99ba27ea2989605a27b52f9f883f7a9c |
BLAKE2b-256 | ccbeed4e9ace71db88c968777a6cbe161d7fc4f66cc27c96e933ca14cf65864f |