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Download photos and videos from iCloud

Project description



Download media files from iCloud.

This tool uses pyicloud to synchronize photos and videos from iCloud to your local machine.


  • Downloads media files from iCloud in parallel (might be beneficial on small files and wide bandwidth)
  • Keeps local collection in sync with iCloud by:
    • skipping files which exist locally
    • removing local files which were removed from the cloud
  • Reads configuration from ini-file
  • Stores password in keychain (provided by pyicloud)
  • Supports two-factor authentication
  • Shows nice progress bars (thanks to tqdm)


$ pip3 install gimme-iphotos


$ docker pull zebradil/gimme-iphotos


$ gimme-iphotos --help
usage: gimme-iphotos [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-v] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-d DESTINATION] [-o] [-r] [-n PARALLEL] [-g] [--zero-pad]

Downloads media files from iCloud

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Configuration file.
                        It's ini-like file (see configparser module docs), must contain [main] section.
                        Keys are fully-named arguments, except help, config and verbose.
                        Values specified using command line arguments take precedence over values from a provided config file.
  -v, --verbose         Increase verbosity. Can be specified multiple times.
                        Use -vvvv to get maximum verbosity.
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        iCloud username (email). Can be specified interactively if not set.
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        iCloud password. Can be specified interactively if not set.
                        Destination directory. Can be specified interactively if not set.
  -o, --overwrite       Overwrite existing files. Default: false.
  -r, --remove          Remove missing files. Default: false.
  -n PARALLEL, --num-parallel-downloads PARALLEL
                        Max number of concurrent downloads.
                        Increase this number if bandwidth is not fully utilized. Default: 3
  -g, --group           Group the photos into year and month directories.
  --zero-pad            Zero pad months when grouping photos.

Using config file:

$ cat john.cfg
username =
password = not-secure123
destination = /home/john/Photos
remove = True

$ gimme-iphotos -c john.cfg

Overriding config file:

$ gimme-iphotos -c john.cfg --destination /tmp/icloud

Without config file:

$ # Password will be requested interactively
$ gimme-iphotos -u --destination /tmp/icloud
Enter iCloud password for


The CLI is the same but requires mounting destination directory and config file (if needed).

$ docker run -it \
    -v <destination>:/somedir \
    -v ${PWD}/john.cfg:/app/john.cfg \
    zebradil/gimme-iphotos -c john.cfg


Licensed under the MIT License.

By German Lashevich.

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