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Query OrientDB via IPython

Project description

Package Description

IOrient is an IPython extension for running queries against an OrientDB graph database within IPython using OrientDB’s SQL dialect and Gremlin.

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The package may be installed as follows:

pip install iorient

After installation, the extension may be loaded within an IPython session with

%load_ext iorient

Usage Examples

Set user name, password, server host, and database name:

%orient user:passwd@localhost/dbname

Same as above, but also specify the port:

%orient user:passwd@localhost:2424/dbname

Multiple connections to different databases may be opened. Once a connection has been established, it can be used by specifying its user, server, and database name:

%%orient user@server/dbname

One can also execute Gremlin queries using the -g option:

%orient -g g.V[0]

Several special commands similar to those provided by the OrientDB console are also available:

%orient create database foobar memory graph
%orient drop database foobar
%orient disconnect
%orient current database
%orient current server
%orient list classes
%orient list databases

Once at least one connection has been opened, specifying a query without a connection string will use the last used connection:

%orient SELECT * FROM V

To display query results in JSON format results using Python’s pprint module rather than return them, use the -j option:

%orient -j SELECT * FROM V

One can also print the results in tabular format with a maximum field width:

%orient -t 100 SELECT * FROM V

Results of a query can also be viewed in a similar manner with the %oview command:

r = %orient SELECT * FROM V
%oview -j r
%oview -t 100 r


The latest release of the package may be obtained from GitHub.


See the included AUTHORS.rst file for more information.


This software is licensed under the BSD License. See the included LICENSE.rst file for more information.

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