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Simulate and optimize planar leg mechanisms using PSO and GA

Project description


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LeggedSnake makes the simulation of walking linkages fast and easy. We believe that building walking linkages is fun and could be useful. Our philosophy is to provide a quick way of building, optimizing and testing walking linkages.


First, you will define a linkage to be optimized. Here we use the strider linkage by Wade Wagle and Team Trotbot.

Dynamic four-leg-pair unoptimized Strider

Dimensions are intentionally wrong, so that the robots fails to walk properly.

Let's take several identical linkages, and make them reproduce and evolve through many generations. Here is how it looks:

10 optimized striders

Finally, we will extract the best linkage, and here is our optimized model that do not fall.

Dynamic optimized Strider


The package is hosted on PyPi as leggedsnake, use:

pip install leggedsnake

Build from source

Download this repository.

git clone

Conda Virtual Environment

We provide an environment.yml file for conda.

conda env update --file environment.yml --name leggedsnake-env

It will install the requirements in a separate environment.

Other installation

If you are looking for a development version, check the GitHub repo under HugoFara/leggedsnake.


First, you define the linkage you want to use. The demo script is, which demonstrates all the techniques about the Strider linkage.

In a nutshell, the two main parts are:

  1. Define a Linkage.
  2. Run the optimization.

Defining a Walker

you need to define joints for your Walker as described in pylinkage documentation. You may use a dictionary, that looks like that:

import leggedsnake as ls

# Quick definition of a linkage as a dict of joints
linkage = {
    "A": ls.Static(x=0, y=0, name="A"),
    "B": ls.Crank(1, 0, distance=1, angle=0.31, name="Crank")
    # etc...
# Conversion to a dynamic linkage
my_walker = ls.Walker(
    name="My Walker"
# It is often faster to add pairs of legs this way

# Then, run launch a GUI simulation with

It should display something like the following.

Dynamic four-leg-pair unoptimized Strider

Optimization using Genetic Algorithm (GA)

The next step is to optimize your linkage. We use a genetic algorithm here.

# Definition of an individual as (fitness, dimensions, initial coordinates)
dna = [0, list(my_walker.get_num.constraints()), list(my_walker.get_coords())]
population = 10

def total_distance(walker):
    Evaluates the final horizontal position of the input linkage.
    Return final distance and initial position of joints.
    pos = tuple(walker.step())[-1]
    world = ls.World()
    # We handle all the conversions
    # Simulation duration (in seconds)
    duration = 40
    steps = int(duration / ls.params["simul"]["physics_period"])
    for _ in range(steps):
    return world.linkages[0].body.position.x, pos

# Prepare the optimization, with any fitness_function(dna) -> score 
optimizer = ls.GeneticOptimization(
# Run for 100 iterations, on 4 processes
optimized_walkers =, processes=4)

# The following line will display the results

For 100 iterations, 10 linkages will be simulated and evaluated by fitness_function. The fittest individuals are kept and will propagate their genes (with mutations).

Now you should see something like the following.

10 optimized striders

This is a simulation from the last generation of 10 linkages. Most of them cover a larger distance (this is the target of our fitness_function).


Finally, only the best linkage at index 0 may be kept.

# Results are sorted by best fitness first, 
# so we use the walker with the best score
best_dna = optimized_walkers[0]

# Change the dimensions

# Once again launch the video

Dynamic optimized Strider

So now it has a small ski pole, does not fall and goes much farther away!

Kinematic optimization using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)

You may need a kinematic optimization, depending solely on pylinkage. You should use the step and stride method from the utility module as fitness functions. This set of rules should work well for a stride maximisation problem:

  1. Rebuild the Walker with the provided set of dimensions, and do a complete turn.
  2. If the Walker raises an UnbuildableError, its score is 0 (or -float('inf') if you use other evaluation functions).
  3. Verify if it can pass a certain obstacle using step function. If not, its score is 0.
  4. Eventually measure the length of its stride with the stride function. Return this length as its score.

Main features

We handle planar leg mechanisms in three main parts:

  • Linkage conception in simple Python relies on pylinkage.
  • Optional kinematic optimization with Walker class, inherits from pylinkage's Linkage class.
  • Dynamic simulation and its optimization use genetic algorithms.


Use the visualisation tools provided! The optimization tools should always give you a score with a better fitness, but it might not be what you expected. Tailor your optimization and then go for a long run will make you save a lot of time.

Do not use optimized linkages from the start! The risk is to fall to quickly into a suboptimal solution. They are several mechanisms to prevent that (starting from random position), but it can always have an impact on the rest of the optimization.

Try to minimize the number of elements in the optimizations! You can often use some linkage properties to reduce the number of simulation parameters. For instance, the Strider linkage has axial symmetry. While it is irrelevant to use this property in dynamic simulation, you can use "half" your Strider in a kinematic optimization, which is much faster.

A Kinematic half Strider


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