Music player core Python module
Project description
This Python module provides a high-level core Music player interface where you are supposed to provide all the remaining high-level logic like the user interface, the playlist logic and the audio data.
A very simple player with gapless playback:
import musicplayer, sys, os, fnmatch, random, pprint, Tkinter
class Song:
def __init__(self, fn):
self.url = fn
self.f = open(fn)
# `__eq__` is used for the peek stream management
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.url == other.url
# this is used by the player as the data interface
def readPacket(self, bufSize):
def seekRaw(self, offset, whence):
r =, whence)
return self.f.tell()
files = []
def getFiles(path):
for f in sorted(os.listdir(path), key=lambda k: random.random()):
f = os.path.join(path, f)
if os.path.isdir(f): getFiles(f) # recurse
if len(files) > 1000: break # break if we have enough
if fnmatch.fnmatch(f, '*.mp3'): files.append(f)
random.shuffle(files) # shuffle some more
i = 0
def songs():
global i, files
while True:
yield Song(files[i])
i += 1
if i >= len(files): i = 0
def peekSongs(n):
nexti = i + 1
if nexti >= len(files): nexti = 0
return map(Song, (files[nexti:] + files[:nexti])[:n])
# Create our Music Player.
player = musicplayer.createPlayer()
player.outSamplerate = 96000 # support high quality :)
player.queue = songs()
player.peekQueue = peekSongs
# Setup a simple GUI.
window = Tkinter.Tk()
window.title("Music Player")
songLabel = Tkinter.StringVar()
def onSongChange(**kwargs): songLabel.set(pprint.pformat(player.curSongMetadata))
def cmdPlayPause(*args): player.playing = not player.playing
def cmdNext(*args): player.nextSong()
Tkinter.Label(window, textvariable=songLabel).pack()
Tkinter.Button(window, text="Play/Pause", command=cmdPlayPause).pack()
Tkinter.Button(window, text="Next", command=cmdNext).pack()
player.onSongChange = onSongChange
player.playing = True # start playing
It provides a player object which represents the player. It needs a generator player.queue which yields Song objects which provide a way to read file data and seek in the file. See the source code for further detailed reference.
It has the following functionality:
open source (simplified BSD license, see License.txt)
very simple interface
support of most important sound formats (MP3, Flac, Ogg Vorbis, WMA, AAC / ALAC m4a, …)
Plays audio data via the player object. Uses FFmpeg for decoding and PortAudio for playing.
Of course, the decoding and playback is done in seperate threads. You can read about that here.
Supports any sample rate via player.outSamplerate. The preferred sound device is set via player.preferredSoundDevice. Get a list of all sound devices via getSoundDevices().
Can modify the volume via player.volume and also song.gain (see source code for details).
Prevents clipping via a smooth limiting functions which still leaves most sounds unaffected and keeps the dynamic range (see smoothClip).
ReplayGain (for audio volume normalization) (see pyCalcReplayGain). This is as far as I know the only other implementation of ReplayGain despite the original from mp3gain (gain_analysis.c).
AcoustId audio fingerprint (see pyCalcAcoustIdFingerprint). This one is also used by MusicBrainz. It uses the Chromaprint lib for implementation.
Provides a simple way to access the song metadata.
Provides a way to calculate a visual thumbnail for a song which shows the amplitude and the spectral centroid of the frequencies per time (see pyCalcBitmapThumbnail). Inspired by this project.
The main usage is probably in the MusicPlayer project - a full featured high-quality music player.
To get the source working, you need these requirements:
boost >=1.55.0
ffmpeg >= 2.0 (including libswresample)
portaudio >=v19
apt-get install python-dev libsnappy-dev libtool yasm libchromaprint-dev portaudio19-dev libboost-dev
FFmpeg in Debian/Ubuntu is too old (lacks libswresample), so either do:
add-apt-repository ppa:jon-severinsson/ffmpeg apt-get update apt-get install libavformat-dev libswresample-dev
or install it from source.
brew install boost brew install portaudio brew install ffmpeg brew install chromaprint
Other notes
Chromaprint depends on FFmpeg, so if you have a custom FFmpeg install, you might also want to install that manually. ./configure && make && sudo make install should work for FFmpeg and PortAudio. You might also want to use --enable-shared for FFmpeg. cmake . && sudo make install for Chromaprint.)
Then call python build or ./ to build the Python modules (it will build the Python module
The module is also registered on PyPI, so you can also install via:
easy_install musicplayer
Similar projects
Overview in Python Wiki: Audio modules and Music software.
PyAudio. MIT License. PortAudio wrapper. Thus, pretty low-level and no decoding functionality. Last update from 2012.
PyFFmpeg. LGPL. FFmpeg wrapper. Thus, prettylow-level and no sound output. You could probably glue PyFFmpeg and PyAudio together for something useful but I expect it to be quite unstable and too slow. Basically, tis glue is done in C++ in this module.
GStreamer Python Bindings. GStreamer is powerful but still too limited as a cross-platform music player backend solution. Quite heavy. That was my intuition. Maybe it’s wrong and it would have been a perfect solution. But I think, in contrast, this module does a lot of things in a more compact and automatic/simpler way and at the same time provides more music player centric features.
Beets. In its core, it is a music library manager and manages the metadata. It can calculate ReplayGain and AcoustID fingerprint. Via BPD plugin, it becomes a MPD compatible daemon player, based on GStreamer.
Probably dead projects:
PyMedia. LGPL, GPL. FFmpeg-based encoding/decoding of audio+video, sound input/output via OSS/Waveout/Wavein. Unfornutaley not well tuned for usage in a high-quality music player. Last update from 2006.
Audiere. LGPL. High-level audio API, supports many sound formats and sound output on Windows/Linux. Last update from 2006.