Nifi-Python-Api: A convenient Python wrapper for the Apache NiFi Rest API
Project description
Nifi-Python-Api: A rich Apache NiFi Python Client SDK
- Three layers of Python support for working with Apache NiFi:
High-level Demos and example scripts
Mid-level Client SDK for typical complex tasks
Low-level Client SDKs for the full API implementation of NiFi and selected sub-projects
- Functionality Highlights:
Detailed documentation of the full SDK at all levels
CRUD wrappers for common task areas like Processor Groups, Processors, Templates, Registry Clients, Registry Buckets, Registry Flows, etc.
Convenience functions for inventory tasks, such as recursively retrieving the entire canvas, or a flat list of all Process Groups
Support for scheduling and purging flows, controller services, and connections
Support for fetching and updating Variable Registries
Support for import/export of Versioned Flows from NiFi-Registry
Docker Compose configurations for testing and deployment
A scripted deployment of an interactive environment, and a secured configuration, for testing and demonstration purposes
Please see the issue register for more information on current development.
Quick Start
The easiest way to install NiPyApi is with pip:
# in bash pip install nipyapi # or with docker support for demos pip install nipyapi[demo]
You can set the config for your endpoints in the central config file:
# in python import nipyapi = 'http://localhost:8080/nifi-api' = 'http://localhost:18080/nifi-registry-api'
Then import a module and execute tasks:
nipyapi.canvas.get_root_pg_id() >'4d5dcf9a-015e-1000-097e-e505ed0f7fd2'
You can use the Docker demos to create a secured interactive console showing many features:
from nipyapi.demo.secured_console import * from nipyapi.demo.console import *
You can also explore the scripts to get ideas for how NiPyAPi can be used to automate your environment.
Please check out the Contribution Guide if you are interested in contributing to the feature set.
Background and Documentation
NiFi Version Support
Python Support
0.21.0 (2024-07-14)
Fix API model generator by @michaelarnauts in
issue-360: handle -9 error messages better by @ottobackwards in
Handle plain text response types so json values are correctly returned by @michaelarnauts in
update clients to 1.27.0 by @Chaffelson in
Simplified the use of setattr in recurse_flow, flatten, and list_all_by_kind methods in nipyapi/
Added support for key_password in the Configuration class and its usage in nipyapi/nifi/ and nipyapi/registry/
Fixed the method to retrieve HTTP headers in nipyapi/nifi/ and nipyapi/registry/
Fixed issue #326 where the latest flow version was not being deployed by default
Updated pylintrc to match more modern python standards
Fixes nipyapi.nifi.ProcessGroupsApi.upload_process_group_with_http_info() incomplete #310
VersionedReportingTask added with appropriate functions
Move docker requirement to extras to avoid dependency install during standard usage
Set latest python3 version to 3.12
Deprecate usage of py.test in favour of newer pytest.
Update readme
0.20.0 (2024-04-14)
Fix ruamel.yaml finally deprecating safe_loader
Hexoplon added ReportingTaskEntity to registered filters
ottobackwards fixed the root logger being setup by the libary
Generally updated test setup and several updated libraries complaining since last release
0.19.1 (2022-08-08)
Update docker resources to the latest 1.17 container image
Fix issue in docker volume mounts where certificates were not readable in new versions of Docker
Fix issue in test_get_processor_type where new Twitter processor broke existing logic assumptions
Update readme to note issues with Python 3.10 and removing reference to python 3.5 testing
0.19.0 (2022-05-13)
Modify utils.check_version to accept a default version to check against, and remove nested error when version check fails as it is overzealous
Update test file paths in test_utils in case someone runs tests as root which actually can write to fake devices and therefore break the tests
Added pylint exclusions for known but unimportant complaints
Added workaround for NiFi 9470 by providing default inherited_parameter_contexts per advice from Chris Sampson in NiPyAPI Issue #305
Updated NiFi and Registry versions in Docker compose configs to use latest 1.16.1 builds
0.18.0 (2021-11-29)
Moved testing to secured single user by default for NiFi
Consolidated clients to the 1.15.0 release version for both NiFi and Registry
Updated logic to support changed working modes in tests
Corrected minor functional issues for 1.15 in login handling, SSL certs, Parameter Updates and Testing
Backwards compatibility and Regression tested as requiring no breaking changes
0.17.1 (2021-10-21)
0.17.0 (2021-10-13)
Note that these are the last versions where NiFi and NiFi-Registry are separate codebases
0.16.3 (2021-10-11)
Update readme to reflect switch from ‘master’ branch naming to ‘main’.
Update tox to pin testing to Python 3.8, as Python 3.9 is producing unexpected and unrelated SSL failures
Minor lint formatting improvements
0.16.2 (2021-02-10)
Update requirements.txt to unpin future and lxml
Update lxml to 4.6.2 or newer to resolve vulnerability
Pin watchdog to <1.0.0 per their docs to maintain Python2.7 compatibility
Revert 0.14.3 changes to Authentication handling which introduced basicAuth support but resulted in some NiFi connections appearing incorrectly as Anonymous
Added simpler basicAuth control to force it via a config switch without changing tokenAuth and other Authorization header behavior during normal usage
nipyapi.config.global_force_basic_auth is now available for use for this purpose
Secured Registry users will now require the authorization policy to retrieve the swagger so we may use it to validate which version of
Registry is in use for feature enablement
Moved all Security controls in to a common area at the foot of the file
Removed auth_type from security.service_login as it is now redundant
Added controls to handle certificate checking behavior which has become more strict in recently versions of Python3, ssl_verify and check_hostname are now handled
security.set_service_auth_token now has an explicit flag for ssl host checking as well
Fix oversight where improved model serialisation logic was not correctly applied to Registry
Removed unusused parameter refresh from parameters.update_parameter_context
Reduced unecessary complexity in utils.dump with no change in functionality
Updated client gen mustache templates to reflect refactored security and api client code
Minor linting and docstring and codestyle improvements
Set pyUp to ignore Watchdog as it must stay between versions to statisfy py2 and py3 compatibility
If Client is not instantiated, optimistically instantiate for version checking
add socks proxy support
0.16.3 (2021-10-11)
Update readme to reflect switch from ‘master’ branch naming to ‘main’.
Update tox to pin testing to Python 3.8, as Python 3.9 is producing unexpected and unrelated SSL failures
Minor lint formatting improvements
0.16.2 (2021-02-10)
Update requirements.txt to unpin future and lxml
Update lxml to 4.6.2 or newer to resolve vulnerability
Pin watchdog to <1.0.0 per their docs to maintain Python2.7 compatibility
Revert 0.14.3 changes to Authentication handling which introduced basicAuth support but resulted in some NiFi connections appearing incorrectly as Anonymous
Added simpler basicAuth control to force it via a config switch without changing tokenAuth and other Authorization header behavior during normal usage
nipyapi.config.global_force_basic_auth is now available for use for this purpose
Secured Registry users will now require the authorization policy to retrieve the swagger so we may use it to validate which version of
Registry is in use for feature enablement
Moved all Security controls in to a common area at the foot of the file
Removed auth_type from security.service_login as it is now redundant
Added controls to handle certificate checking behavior which has become more strict in recently versions of Python3, ssl_verify and check_hostname are now handled
security.set_service_auth_token now has an explicit flag for ssl host checking as well
Fix oversight where improved model serialisation logic was not correctly applied to Registry
Removed unusused parameter refresh from parameters.update_parameter_context
Reduced unecessary complexity in utils.dump with no change in functionality
Updated client gen mustache templates to reflect refactored security and api client code
Minor linting and docstring and codestyle improvements
Set pyUp to ignore Watchdog as it must stay between versions to statisfy py2 and py3 compatibility
If Client is not instantiated, optimistically instantiate for version checking
add socks proxy support
0.15.0 (2020-11-06)
Added new Parameter contexts API to docs
Resolved bug where funnel position did not honour requested location (thanks @geocali)
Fixed issue where users expected exact search by default but some functions were silently using greedy search (thanks @razdob15)
Change deploy_template to use floats for deployment instead of int (thanks @bgeisberger)
Fixed creation of empty user groups (thanks @razdob15)
0.14.0 (2019-11-06)
0.13.3 (2019-10-09)
0.13.0 (2019-04-22)
Add default BasicAuth params to config
Add default ‘safe chars’ to config for URL encoding bypass where ‘/’ is in a string
Add ‘bypass_slash_encoding’ to to simplify conditionally allowing ‘/’ in a string
Update Docker compose files for Secure and tox-full environments to latest NiFi versions
Add global test controls to top of conftest for default, security, and regression test modes
Add fixtures to conftest for user and usergroup testing in secure scenarios
Update fixtures to better handle mixed secure and insecure test environments
0.12.0 (2018-12-20)
Various backwards compatibility improvements for handling calls going back to NiFi-1.1.2
Various speedups for NiFi-1.7+ using descendants functionality to recurse the canvas
Ability for various methods to specify a Process Group to use as the parent instead of always using root
Better username/password handling in and
Support for global ssl_verify squashing in
Added swagger for 1.8.0 to project resources against potential future validation requirements
Added versioned deployment convenience functions for finding sensitive and invalid processors, should make it easier to update properties when importing to a new canvas
Added summary options to several calls to return simple objects suitable for quick processing rather than full objects that need to be parsed
Added utils.infer_object_label_from_class to make it easier to create connections between objects
Updated compound methods like delete_process_group to also handle connections and controllers elegantly if requested
Various codestyle and testing improvements
0.11.0 (2018-10-12)
0.10.3 (2018-08-28)
0.10.2 (2018-08-27)
0.10.1 (2018-08-21)
0.10.0 (2018-08-03)
Key Changes
Reworked NiFi-Registry pytest setup to support multiple versions
Changed schedule_processor to use component. rather than status. tests as they are more reliable
Swtiched Docker configs to use explicit versions instead of latest for more consistent behavior across environents
Version Changes
Deprecated testing against NiFi-1.5.0 due to host headers issue - recommend users to upgrade to at least NiFi-1.6.0
Deprecated testing against NiFi-1.4.0 as superfluous
Added testing for NiFi-1.7.1 and NiFi-Registry-0.2.0
0.9.1 (2018-05-18)
New Features
Added a new demo for Flow Development LifeCycle which illustrates the steps a user might automate to promote Versioned Flows between NiFi environments
Check out nipyapi.demo.fdlc to see more details
0.9.0 (2018-05-16)
Potentially Breaking Changes
Users should check the updated documentation and ensure their tests pass as expected
Several NiFi client API calls were inconsistently CamelCase’d and have been renamed in the upstream NiFi release, I have honoured those changes in this release. If you use them please check your function names if you get an error
New Features
Added functionality to Deploy a versioned flow to the canvas. This was an oversight from the 0.8.0 release. Function is creatively named ./versioning/deploy_flow_version
Other Notes
Updated the Issue Template to also ask how urgent the problem is so we can priortise work
Where possible we have switched to using the Apache maintained Docker containers rather than our own, there should be no impact to this unless you were relying on some edge part of our test compose files
0.8.0 (2018-03-06)
Potentially Breaking Changes
Users should check the updated documentation and ensure their tests pass as expected
Import/Export of Flow Versions was reworked significantly and renamed to correct bugs and remove coding complications and be generally more obvious in its behavior
Template upload/download reworked significantly to remove direct reliance on requests and correct bugs in some environments
Reworked many list/get functions to be more standardised as we stabilise the approaches to certain tasks. This should not change again in future
Standardised bad user submission on AssertionError, bad API submission errors on ValueError, and general API errors on ApiException. This standard should flow forwards
Switched ruamel.yaml from >15 to <15 as advised in the project documentation, as >15 is not considered production ready
Known Issues
Python2 environments with older versions of openssl may run into errors like ‘SSLV3_ALERT_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE’ when working in secured environments. This is not a NiPyApi bug, it’s a problem with py2/openssl which is fixed by either upgrading openssl or moving to Python3 like you know you should
New Features
- Added support for working with secured NiFi environments, contributed by KevDoran
Added demo compatibility between secured_connection and console to produce a rich secured and version-controlled demo environment
Added many secured environment convenience functions to
Integrated tokenAuth support throughout the low-level clients
Added simple Docker deployment support in utils module for test, demo, and development
Standardised all documentation on more readable docstrings and rst templates across the entire codebase
Significantly expanded versioning support, users should consult the refreshed documentation
Added experimental support for cleaning queues, process_groups, and setting scheduling of various components
Many calls now have an auto-refresh before action option to simplify applying changes
Implemented short and long wait controls for relevant functions to allow more deterministic changes
Implemented generic object-list-filtering-for-a-string-in-a-field for many response get/list types
Standardised many responses to conform to a common response contract: None for none, object for single, and list-of-objects for many
Implemented import/export to json/yaml in versioning
Added regression/backtesting for many functions going back through major release versions to NiFi-1.1.2. More details will be obvious from reading tests/
Test suites now more reliably clean up after themselves when executed on long-running environments
Apparently logging is popular, so standard Python logging is now included
Other notes
Various low-level SDK bugfixes corrected in the swagger spec and updated in the provided client
Enhanced Template and Flow Versioning to handle significantly more complex flows
Significantly enhanced testing fixtures
Refactored several common functions to, and moved several common configurations to
versioning.get_flow will now export the raw Registry object for convenience when serialising flows
Significantly improved Py2/Py3 compatibility handling, and import management within the package
Removed docs dependency on M2R by converting everything over to reStructuredText
0.7.0 (2018-01-30)
Updated project to support NiFi-1.5.0 and NiFi-Registry-0.1.0
Merged api clients into main codebase, deprecated external client requirement
Created centralised project configuration and test configuration
Updated automated test environment to consistent docker for local and Travis
Removed procedurally generated boilerplate stub tests to improve readability
Moved pytest fixtures into conftest and expanded dramatically
Added limited support for processor and process group scheduling
Added support for all common Nifi-Registry calls
Added a demo package to provide an interactive test and demo console
Significant readme, contribution, and other documentation refresh
Expanded CRUD support for most processor, process group and related tasks
0.6.1 (2018-01-04)
Added requested functions to find and list Processors on the canvas
Fixed list all process groups to include the root special case properly
0.6.0 (2017-12-31)
Refactored many functions to use native NiFi datatypes instead of generics
Standardised several call names for consistency
Updated examples
Created additional tests and enhanced existing to capture several exceptions
0.5.1 (2017-12-07)
Added template import/export with working xml parsing and tests
Added a ton of testing and validation steps
Cleared many todos out of code by either implementing or moving to todo doc
0.5.0 (2017-12-06)
migrated swagger_client to separate repo to allow independent versions
refactored wrapper Classes to simpler functions instead
cleaned up documentation and project administrivia to support the split
0.4.0 (2017-10-29)
Added wrapper functions for many common Template commands (
Added new functions for common Process Groups commands (
Significant test framework enhancements for wrapper functions
Many coding style cleanups in preparation for filling out test suite
Added linting
Cleaned up docs layout and placement within project
Integrated with TravisCI
Dropped Python2.6 testing (wasn’t listed as supported anyway)
Updated examples and Readme to be more informative
0.3.2 (2017-09-04)
Fixed bug where tox failing locally due to coveralls expecting travis
Fixed bug where TravisCI failing due to incorrectly set install requirements
Fixed bug where swagger_client not importing as expected
0.3.1 (2017-09-04)
Fixed imports and requirements for wheel install from PyPi
0.3.0 (2017-09-04)
Created basic wrapper structure for future development
Added simple usage functions to complete todo task
Added devnotes, updated usage, and various sundry other documentation cleanups
Split tests into subfolders for better management and clarity
Added Coveralls and License Badge
Removed broken venv that ended up in project directory, added similar to ignore file
Changed default URL in the configuration to default docker url and port on localhost
0.2.1 (2017-08-26)
Fixed up removal of leftover swagger client dependencies
0.2.0 (2017-08-25)
- Merge the nifi swagger client into this repo as a sub package
Restructured tests into package subfolders
Consolidate package configuration
Setup package import structure
Updated usage instructions
Integrate documentation
0.1.2 (2017-08-24)
Created basic integration with nifi-python-swagger-client
0.1.1 (2017-08-24)
Cleaned up base project and integrations ready for code migration
0.1.0 (2017-08-24)
First release on PyPI.