Python bindings for NodeTrie, a trie data structure library
Project description
A Trie data structure library.
pip install nodetrie
Motivation, design goals
NodeTrie is a Python extension to a native C library written for this purpose.
It came about from a lack of viable alternatives for Python. While other trie library implementations exist, they suffer from severe limitations such as
Read only structures, no insertions
High memory use for large trees
Lack of searching, particularly file mask or wild card style searching
Slow inserts
Existing implementations on PyPi fall into these broad categories, including Marissa-Trie (read only) and datrie (slow inserts, very high memory use for large trees).
NodeTrie’s C library is designed to minimize memory use as much as possible and still allow arbitrary length trees that can be searched.
Each node has a name associated with it as its data, along with children list and number of children.
Features and design notes
NodeTrie is an n-ary tree, meaning any one node can have any number of children
Node children arrays are dynamically resized as needed on insertion on a per node basis. No fixed minimum nor maximum size
Node names can be of arbitrary length, available memory allowing
Node names from are always unicode in either Python 2/3
Any python string type may be used on insertion
Node names are implicitly decoded from unicode on insertion, if needed, with nodetrie.ENCODING (utf-8) default encoding which can be overridden
New Python Node objects are created from the underlying C pointers every time Node.children is called. There is overhead on the Python interpreter to create these objects. It is safe and better performing to keep and re-use children references instead, see examples below
Deletions are not implemented
The C library implementation uses pointer arrays for children to reduce search space complexity and character pointers for names to allow for arbitrary name lengths. This may lead to memory fragmentation
Node objects in python are read only. It is not possible to override the name of an existing Node object nor modify its attributes
Character encodings that allow for null characters such as UCS-2 should not be used
Example Usage
from nodetrie import Node
# This is the root of the tree, keep a reference to it.
# Deleting or letting the root node go out of scope will de-allocate
# the entire tree
node = Node()
# Insert a linked tree so that a->b->c->d where -> means 'has child node'
node.insert_split_path(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
node.children[0].name == 'a'
# Sub-trees can be referred to by child nodes
a_node = node.children[0] == 'a'
a_node.children[0].name == 'b'
a_node.is_leaf() == False
# Insertions create only new nodes
# Insert linked tree so that a->b->c->dd
node.insert_split_path(['a', 'b', 'c', 'dd'])
# Only one 'a' node
node.children_size == 1
# Existing references to nodes will have correct children
# after insertion without recreating the node object.
# Here, a_node is an existing object prior to more nodes
# being added to its sub-tree. After insertion, a's sub-tree contains newly
# inserted nodes as expected
# 'c' node is first child of 'b' which is first child of 'a'
# 'c' node has two children, 'd' and 'dd'
c_node = a_node.children[0].children[0]
c_node.children_size == 2
c_node.is_leaf() == False
# 'd' and 'dd' are both leaf nodes
leaf_nodes = [c for c in c_node.children if c.is_leaf()]
len(leaf_nodes) == 2
NodeTrie supports exact name as well as file mask matching tree search.
from __future__ import print_function
from nodetrie import Node
node = Node()
for paths in [['a', 'b', 'c1', 'd1'], ['a', 'b', 'c1', 'd2'],
['a', 'b', 'c2', 'd1'], ['a', 'b', 'c2', 'd2']]:
for path, _node in, ['a', 'b', '*', '*'], []):
print(path, _node)
[u'a', u'b', u'c1', u'd1'] Node: 'd1'
[u'a', u'b', u'c1', u'd2'] Node: 'd2'
[u'a', u'b', u'c2', u'd1'] Node: 'd1'
[u'a', u'b', u'c2', u'd2'] Node: 'd2'
Separator joined node names for a matched sub-tree are returned by the query function.
for match in node.query('a.b.*.*'):
for match in node.query('a|b|*|*', separator='|'):
(u'a.b.c1.d1', Node: 'd1')
(u'a.b.c1.d2', Node: 'd2')
(u'a.b.c2.d1', Node: 'd1')
(u'a.b.c2.d2', Node: 'd2')
(u'a|b|c1|d1', Node: 'd1')
(u'a|b|c1|d2', Node: 'd2')
(u'a|b|c2|d1', Node: 'd1')
(u'a|b|c2|d2', Node: 'd2')
Contributions are most welcome.