Convert nose-style test reports to UnitTH-style test reports
Project description
Convert nose-style XML test reports to UnitTH-compatible XML reports
Latest release from PyPI pip install nose2unitth
Latest revision from GitHub pip install git+
# convert nose-style reports to UnitTH-style reports nosetests <package-to-test> --with-xunit --xunit-file=examples/nose.xml mkdir -p examples/unitth nose2unitth examples/nose.xml examples/unitth/1 nose2unitth examples/nose.xml examples/unitth/2 junit2html examples/nose.xml examples/unitth/1/index.html junit2html examples/nose.xml examples/unitth/2/index.html # generate HTML test report java \ -Dunitth.generate.exectimegraphs=true \ \ \ \ -jar unitth.jar examples/unitth/*
Please see the documentation at Read the Docs.
Running the tests
nose can be used to run the tests:
nosetests tests \ --with-xunit --xunit-file=test-report.xml \ --with-coverage --cover-package=nose2unitth
Please note that additional packages are required for testing (see tests/requirements.txt).
The example model is released under the MIT license.
Development team
nose2unitth was developed by Jonathan Karr at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York, USA.
Questions and comments
Please contact the Jonathan Karr with any questions or comments.