Translate chinese chars to pinyin based on Mandarin.dat
Project description
Translate chinese chars to pinyin based on Mandarin.dat
$ pip install pinyin
>>> import pinyin
>>> print pinyin.get('你 好')
nǐ hǎo
>>> print pinyin.get('你好', format="strip", delimiter=" ")
ni hao
>>> print pinyin.get('你好', format="numerical")
>>> print pinyin.get_initial('你好')
n h
Prototype Chinese->English
>>> import pinyin.cedict
>>> pinyin.cedict.translate_word('你')
['you (informal, as opposed to courteous 您[nin2])']
>>> pinyin.cedict.translate_word('你好')
['Hello!', 'Hi!', 'How are you?']
>>> list(pinyin.cedict.all_phrase_translations('你好'))
[['你', ['you (informal, as opposed to courteous 您[nin2])']], ['你好', ['Hello!', 'Hi!', 'How are you?']], ['好', ['to be fond of', 'to have a tendency to', 'to be prone to']]]
Note that this is a prototype, and only functions from Python 3.
pinyin is free software, under an MIT-style license. See LICENSE for details.
The data file for translations is the CC-BY-SA 3.0.
The translations are from the CC-CE-DICT project (, by Denisowski, Peterson, Brelsford, and others.