Polyglot is a natural language pipeline that supports massive multilingual applications.
Project description
Polyglot is a natural language pipeline that supports massive multilingual applications.
Free software: GPLv3 license
Documentation: http://polyglot.readthedocs.org.
Tokenization (165 Languages)
Language detection (196 Languages)
Named Entity Recognition (40 Languages)
Part of Speech Tagging (16 Languages)
Sentiment Analysis (136 Languages)
Word Embeddings (137 Languages)
Morphological analysis (135 Languages)
Transliteration (69 Languages)
Rami Al-Rfou @ rmyeid gmail com
Quick Tutorial
import polyglot
from polyglot.text import Text, Word
Language Detection
text = Text("Bonjour, Mesdames.")
print("Language Detected: Code={}, Name={}\n".format(text.language.code, text.language.name))
Language Detected: Code=fr, Name=French
zen = Text("Beautiful is better than ugly. "
"Explicit is better than implicit. "
"Simple is better than complex.")
[u'Beautiful', u'is', u'better', u'than', u'ugly', u'.', u'Explicit', u'is', u'better', u'than', u'implicit', u'.', u'Simple', u'is', u'better', u'than', u'complex', u'.']
[Sentence("Beautiful is better than ugly."), Sentence("Explicit is better than implicit."), Sentence("Simple is better than complex.")]
Part of Speech Tagging
text = Text(u"O primeiro uso de desobediência civil em massa ocorreu em setembro de 1906.")
print("{:<16}{}".format("Word", "POS Tag")+"\n"+"-"*30)
for word, tag in text.pos_tags:
print(u"{:<16}{:>2}".format(word, tag))
Word POS Tag ------------------------------ O DET primeiro ADJ uso NOUN de ADP desobediência NOUN civil ADJ em ADP massa NOUN ocorreu ADJ em ADP setembro NOUN de ADP 1906 NUM . PUNCT
Named Entity Recognition
text = Text(u"In Großbritannien war Gandhi mit dem westlichen Lebensstil vertraut geworden")
[I-LOC([u'Gro\xdfbritannien']), I-PER([u'Gandhi'])]
print("{:<16}{}".format("Word", "Polarity")+"\n"+"-"*30)
for w in zen.words[:6]:
print("{:<16}{:>2}".format(w, w.polarity))
Word Polarity ------------------------------ Beautiful 0 is 0 better 1 than 0 ugly -1 . 0
word = Word("Obama", language="en")
print("Neighbors (Synonms) of {}".format(word)+"\n"+"-"*30)
for w in word.neighbors:
print("\n\nThe first 10 dimensions out the {} dimensions\n".format(word.vector.shape[0]))
Neighbors (Synonms) of Obama ------------------------------ Bush Reagan Clinton Ahmadinejad Nixon Karzai McCain Biden Huckabee Lula The first 10 dimensions out the 256 dimensions [-2.57382345 1.52175975 0.51070285 1.08678675 -0.74386948 -1.18616164 2.92784619 -0.25694436 -1.40958667 -2.39675403]
word = Text("Preprocessing is an essential step.").words[0]
[u'Pre', u'process', u'ing']
from polyglot.transliteration import Transliterator
transliterator = Transliterator(source_lang="en", target_lang="ru")
“14.11” (2014-01-11)
First release on PyPI.
“15.5.2” (2015-05-02)
Polyglot is feature complete.
“15.10.03” (2015-10-03)
Change the polyglot models mirror to Stony Brook University DSL lab instead of Google cloud storage.
“16.07.04” (2016-07-03)
New Features: - Support Transfer POS Tagging. - Support supplying hint_language_code for Text.
Bug Fix: - Improve sentence serialization (PR #34) - Fix rare unicode encode error (PR #35) - Fix transliteration from languages other than English (PR 46) - Add link to Github in README (PR #49) - Make handling of paths more coherent (RP #55) - Fix normalizing embedding in place for NER corrupts the features of POS (issue #60, PR #62)