pqdict 1.4.0
pip install pqdict
A Pythonic indexed priority queue.
Unverified details
These details have not been verified by PyPIProject links
- License: MIT License (MIT)
- Author: Nezar Abdennur
- Tags dict, priority queue, heap, scheduler, data structures
- Requires: Python >=3.7
- Development Status
- License
- Operating System
- Programming Language
Project description
A priority queue dictionary maps hashable objects (keys) to priority-determining values. It provides a hybrid dictionary/priority queue API.
The priority queue is implemented as a binary heap of (key, priority value) pairs, which supports:
O(1) search for the item with highest priority
O(log n) removal of the item with highest priority
O(log n) insertion of a new item
Additionally, an index maps elements to their location in the heap and is kept up to date as the heap is manipulated. As a result, pqdict also supports:
O(1) lookup of any item by key
O(log n) removal of any item
O(log n) updating of any item’s priority level
Documentation is available at http://pqdict.readthedocs.org/en/latest/.
This module is released under the MIT license. The augmented heap implementation was adapted from the heapq module in the Python standard library, which was written by Kevin O’Connor and augmented by Tim Peters and Raymond Hettinger.
Project details
Unverified details
These details have not been verified by PyPIProject links
- License: MIT License (MIT)
- Author: Nezar Abdennur
- Tags dict, priority queue, heap, scheduler, data structures
- Requires: Python >=3.7
- Development Status
- License
- Operating System
- Programming Language
Release history Release notifications | RSS feed
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File details
Details for the file pqdict-1.4.0.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: pqdict-1.4.0.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 87.8 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? Yes
- Uploaded via: twine/4.0.2 CPython/3.11.8
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 367dc50818f1df331ed5ef9ba9a793f7b713a1d5ea6bcccd7a72392dc8bc2097 |
MD5 | a96935bd61be07432534520d23adfb03 |
BLAKE2b-256 | a21458d3393644b7a576b9b6c969628ccbfd2c324561489d4301fef48538b708 |
File details
Details for the file pqdict-1.4.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl
File metadata
- Download URL: pqdict-1.4.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl
- Upload date:
- Size: 8.9 kB
- Tags: Python 2, Python 3
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? Yes
- Uploaded via: twine/4.0.2 CPython/3.11.8
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 7c4f9d09cb867b7bfddcc3c56b74badae70c28fdeaad95df637be844103759e5 |
MD5 | de9658d7a023e291d8a65ae8d0af3507 |
BLAKE2b-256 | 583dfcb3b29976336a0635c858ef593e9f1bfb4b8583a1f41f6456866b428097 |