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A set of tools to work with preference data from the website.

Project description


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The PrefLib-Tools is a set of Python tools developed to work with preference data from the website.

This package provides input and output operations on PrefLib instances, together with some additional functionalities on the instances: Testing whether a Condorcet winner exists, whether the instance is single-peaked, etc...

We developed this package in the hope of making the use of PrefLib instances easy. This has been done in the same spirit as PrefLib: Providing tools for the community with the help of the community. If you want to contribute, feel free to create pull requests. If you have a question, a remark, or encounter a problem, please open an issue, create a pull request etc...

The full documentation of the package can be found there:

If, for some reasons, you are looking for the older version of the PrefLib-Tools, it is still available in the GitHub repository Preflib-Tools-Old.


The installation is as easy as:

pip3 install preflibtools


The complete documentation is available here.

GitHub Workflow

Publishing on PyPI

The pipeline between GitHub and PyPI is automatised. To push a new version do the following:

  • Update the pyproject.toml with the new version number.
  • Update the pabutools/ with the new version number.
  • On GitHub, create a new release tagged with the new version number (only admins can do that), on this page.
  • You're done, the new version of the package is automatically pushed to PyPI after the creation of a GitHub release.

Building the Docs

If the docs-source has been updated but the docs/ folder has not, you can build the docs via a GitHub action here: Simply click "Run workflow" and the docs will be built and the built files will be pushed back to the server.

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