Application software to evaluate the stability of slopes made of Blocks-In-Matrix materials
Project description
pybimstab is an application software in Python 3 to evaluate the factor of safety against sliding of slopes made of Blocks-In-Matrix (BIM) materials.
The assessment is donde by using the limit equilibrium method through the General Limit Equilibrium (GLE) method of Fredlund & Krahn (1977).
The slip surface has a tortuous geometry and is optimally found by using the A-star algorithm proposed by Hart, Nilsson & Raphael (1968).
The following plots are the final outcome of two different analysis:
Homogeneus slope
Slope made of BIM material
Open source and free software: BSD-2-Clause.
The code was written in Python 3. The packages numpy, scipy, matplotlib and shapely are required for using pybimstab. All of them are downloadable from the PyPI repository by opening a terminal and typing the following code lines:
pip install numpy pip install scipy pip install matplotlib pip install shapely
To install pybimstab open a terminal and type:
pip install pybimstab
To produce the plot shown above execute the following script
from numpy import array from pybimstab.slope import NaturalSlope from pybimstab.watertable import WaterTable from pybimstab.bim import BlocksInMatrix from pybimstab.slipsurface import CircularSurface, TortuousSurface from pybimstab.slices import MaterialParameters, Slices from pybimstab.slopestabl import SlopeStabl terrainCoords = array( [[-2.49, 0.1, 1.7, 3.89, 5.9, 8.12, 9.87, 13.29, 20.29, 21.43, 22.28, 23.48, 24.65, 25.17], [18.16, 17.88, 17.28, 15.73, 14.31, 13.58, 13, 3.61, 3.61, 3.32, 2.71, 2.23, 1.21, 0.25]]) slope = NaturalSlope(terrainCoords) bim = BlocksInMatrix(slopeCoords=slope.coords, blockProp=0.25, tileSize=0.4, seed=12345) watertabDepths = array([[0, 5, 10, 15], [8, 7, 3, 0]]) watertable = WaterTable(slopeCoords=slope.coords, watertabDepths=watertabDepths, smoothFactor=3) preferredPath = CircularSurface( slopeCoords=slope.coords, dist1=5, dist2=15.78, radius=20) surface = TortuousSurface( bim, dist1=4, dist2=15.78, heuristic='euclidean', reverseLeft=False, reverseUp=False, smoothFactor=2, preferredPath=preferredPath.coords, prefPathFact=2) material = MaterialParameters( cohesion=15, frictAngle=23, unitWeight=17, blocksUnitWeight=21, wtUnitWeight=9.8) slices = Slices( material=material, slipSurfCoords=surface.coords, slopeCoords=slope.coords, numSlices=15, watertabCoords=watertable.coords, bim=bim) stabAnalysis = SlopeStabl(slices, seedFS=1, Kh=0, maxLambda=1) fig = stabAnalysis.plot()
D. G. Fredlund and J. Krahn. Comparison of slope stability methods of analysis. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 14(3)(3):429–439, 1977.
P. Hart, N. Nilsson, and B. Raphael. A formal basis for the heuristic determination of minimum cost path. IEEE Transactions of Systems Science and Cybernetics, ssc-4(2):100–107, 1968.
0.1.0 (2018-07-15)
First release on PyPI.
0.1.1 (2018-07-22)
Solving some issues related to the definition of the slices structure.
0.1.2 (2018-08-04)
Adjusting the interpolations in the convergence plot and appending a parameter to control the number of lambda values.
0.1.3 (2018-10-06)
Addition of Bishop and Fellenius methods for LEM.
Fixing some issues with convergences.
Fixing minor issues.
0.1.4 (2019-10-13)
Fixing minor issues.
0.1.5 (2019-10-15)
Editing file to import modules by means of an alias.