Text-To-Speech with MSSpeak
Project description
- Description:
Microsoft Translator API module for Python
- Documentation:
- Contributors:
- License:
Microsoft Speech Bing Documentation: https://www.microsoft.com/cognitive-services/en-us/speech-api/documentation/API-Reference-REST/BingVoiceOutput
Python Bing Speech
python-msspeak is a library to synthesize text into human sounding speech using Microsoft Cognitive Services.
In order to utilize this service you must sign up for Microsoft Cognitive service and register an application. More information on creating a Microsoft account is located at the getting started with Text to Speech page.
A quick-and-dirty script to utilize the python-msspeak library.
from msspeak import msspeak subscription_key = 'XXXXXXXXXXXX' tts_msspeak = msspeak.MSSpeak(subscription_key, '/tmp/') output_filename = tts_msspeak.speak("This is the text I will speak to you", "en-US") print ("Recorded TTS to %s" % output_filename)
Install, upgrade and uninstall python-msspeak.py with these commands:
$ pip install python-msspeak $ pip install --upgrade python-msspeak $ pip uninstall python-msspeak
Example usage and output
$ python-msspeak --subscription_key=<subscription_key> -t <text> [-d <directory>] [-url <service_url>] [-h]
$ msspeak --subscription_key=XXXXXXXXX -t "Salut, Vous vous appelez comment?" -l fr
Output :
$ Recorded TTS to /tmp/MSTRANSLATE-8895934760117809679-fr.mp3
Feedback are more than welcome, post bugs and feature requests on github: http://github.com/newfies-dialer/python-msspeak/issues
Extra information
Newfies-Dialer, an open source Auto Dialer software, uses this module to synthetize audio files being play to the end-user. Further information about Newfies-Dialer can be found at https://www.newfies-dialer.org
This module is built and supported by Star2Billing: https://www.star2billing.com
Source download
The source code is currently available on github. Fork away!
Other libraries
[ ] Rename package to python-bing-speech
0.2.1 (2017-03-03)
Support Python 3
0.2.0 (2017-02-21)
Support switch to Azure portal
1.1.4 (2017-01-20)
fix request deps don’t force single version
0.1.1 (2015-10-08)
Improve Readme and add script to updateversion
0.1.0 (2015-10-06)
First release on PyPI.