Simple library for generate test cases.
Project description
Simple library for generate test cases with parameters.
What is this?
This library helps to generate tests with parameters.
Let’s write some tests for this function:
import re
def clear_start_end_dash(string):
return re.sub(r'^[\s\-]*-|-[\s\-]*$', '', string)
We may write something like this:
from unittest import TestCase
class ClearStartEndDashTest(TestCase):
def test_remove_first_dash(self):
result = clear_start_end_dash('-my string')
self.assertEqual(result, 'my string')
def test_remove_all_first_dashes(self):
result = clear_start_end_dash('- -- --my string')
self.assertEqual(result, 'my string')
def test_remove_last_dash(self):
result = clear_start_end_dash('my string-')
self.assertEqual(result, 'my string')
def test_remove_all_last_dashes(self):
result = clear_start_end_dash('my string-- -- -- - ')
self.assertEqual(result, 'my string')
def test_keep_dash_at_center(self):
result = clear_start_end_dash('my-string')
self.assertEqual(result, 'my-string')
It’s good, but we spent a lot of time to write those absolutely the same test functions.
So let’s decrease the number of duplicate functions:
from unittest import TestCase
class ClearStartEndDashDryTest(TestCase):
def test_remove_dash(self):
cases = (
('-my string', 'my string'),
('- -- --my string', 'my string'),
('my string-', 'my string'),
('my string-- -- -- - ', 'my string'),
('my-string', 'my-string')
for string, expected_result in cases:
result = clear_start_end_dash(string)
self.assertEqual(result, expected_result)
This code has a few problems:
Easy to write but difficult to read.
We can’t use test fixture (setUp, tearDown) with each case.
If some case fails, the other cases won’t run.
If test test_remove_dash fails, it won’t help us find out what happened.
Look how easy we may solve these problems using this library:
from unittest import TestCase
from python_wrap_cases import wrap_case
class ClearStartEndDashWrapTest(TestCase):
@wrap_case('-my string', 'my string')
@wrap_case('- -- --my string', 'my string')
@wrap_case('my string-', 'my string')
@wrap_case('my string-- -- -- - ', 'my string')
@wrap_case('my-string', 'my-string')
def test_remove_dash(self, string, expected_result):
result = clear_start_end_dash(string)
self.assertEqual(result, expected_result)
This code generates 5 tests, that works like a simple test functions.
Console output:
test_remove_dash_u'- -- --my string'_u'my string' (tests.example.test_simple_test.ClearStartEndDashWrapTest) ... ok
test_remove_dash_u'-my string'_u'my string' (tests.example.test_simple_test.ClearStartEndDashWrapTest) ... ok
test_remove_dash_u'my string-'_u'my string' (tests.example.test_simple_test.ClearStartEndDashWrapTest) ... ok
test_remove_dash_u'my string-- -- -- - '_u'my string' (tests.example.test_simple_test.ClearStartEndDashWrapTest) ... ok
test_remove_dash_u'my-string'_u'my-string' (tests.example.test_simple_test.ClearStartEndDashWrapTest) ... ok
pip install python_wrap_cases
Free software: BSD license
0.1.0 (2015-06-26)
First release on PyPI.
0.1.2 (2015-06-26)
Fix generators import
0.1.3 (2015-06-26)
Add some docs
0.1.4 (2015-06-29)
ReadMe add semicolon
Fix pypi readme
0.1.5 (2015-07-01)
README remove ::;
0.1.6 (2015-07-01)
Add tests fot python 3.2
0.1.7 (2015-07-10)
Add six dependency
0.1.8 (2015-08-21)
Add func generator
Add range generator
Fix problem with iterator in custom generator
Add new API for declaration wrapped TestCase. (added wrap_case decorator without parameters)