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A simple Python API for Tile® Bluetooth trackers

Project description

📡 pytile: A simple Python API for Tile® Bluetooth trackers

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pytile is a simple Python library for retrieving information on Tile® Bluetooth trackers (including last location and more).

This library is built on an unpublished, unofficial Tile API; it may alter or cease operation at any point.

NOTE: Version 5.0.0

Version 5.0.0 is a complete re-architecture of pytile – as such, the API has changed. Please read the documentation carefully!

Python Versions

pytile is currently supported on:

  • Python 3.10
  • Python 3.11
  • Python 3.12


pip install pytile


Getting an API Object

pytile usage starts with an aiohttp ClientSession – note that this ClientSession is required to properly authenticate the library:

import asyncio

from aiohttp import ClientSession

from pytile import async_login

async def main() -> None:
    async with ClientSession() as session:
        api = await async_login("<EMAIL>", "<PASSWORD>", session)

If for some reason you need to use a specific client UUID (to, say, ensure that the Tile API sees you as a client it's seen before) or a specific locale, you can do so easily:

import asyncio

from aiohttp import ClientSession

from pytile import async_login

async def main() -> None:
    async with ClientSession() as session:
        api = await async_login(
            "<EMAIL>", "<PASSWORD>", session, client_uuid="MY_UUID", locale="en-GB"

Getting Tiles

Tile Premium Required: No

import asyncio

from aiohttp import ClientSession

from pytile import async_login

async def main() -> None:
    async with ClientSession() as session:
        api = await async_login("<EMAIL>", "<PASSWORD>", session)

        tiles = await api.async_get_tiles()

The async_get_tiles coroutine returns a dict with Tile UUIDs as the keys and Tile objects as the values.

The Tile Object

The Tile object comes with several properties:

  • accuracy: the location accuracy of the Tile
  • altitude: the altitude of the Tile
  • archetype: the internal reference string that describes the Tile's "family"
  • dead: whether the Tile is inactive
  • firmware_version: the Tile's firmware version
  • hardware_version: the Tile's hardware version
  • kind: the kind of Tile (e.g., TILE, PHONE)
  • last_timestamp: the timestamp at which the current attributes were received
  • latitude: the latitude of the Tile
  • longitude: the latitude of the Tile
  • lost: whether the Tile has been marked as "lost"
  • lost_timestamp: the timestamp at which the Tile was last marked as "lost"
  • name: the name of the Tile
  • uuid: the Tile UUID
  • visible: whether the Tile is visible in the mobile app
import asyncio

from aiohttp import ClientSession

from pytile import async_login

async def main() -> None:
    async with ClientSession() as session:
        api = await async_login("<EMAIL>", "<PASSWORD>", session)

        tiles = await api.async_get_tiles()

        for tile_uuid, tile in tiles.items():
            print(f"The Tile's name is {}")
            # ...

In addition to these properties, the Tile object comes with an async_update coroutine which requests new data from the Tile cloud API for this Tile:

import asyncio

from aiohttp import ClientSession

from pytile import async_login

async def main() -> None:
    async with ClientSession() as session:
        api = await async_login("<EMAIL>", "<PASSWORD>", session)

        tiles = await api.async_get_tiles()

        for tile_uuid, tile in tiles.items():
            await tile.async_update()

Getting Premium Tile's History

Tile Premium Required: Yes

You can retrieve a Tile's history by calling its async_history coroutine:

import asyncio
from datetime import datetime

from aiohttp import ClientSession

from pytile import async_login

async def main() -> None:
    async with ClientSession() as session:
        api = await async_login("<EMAIL>", "<PASSWORD>", session)

        tiles = await api.async_get_tiles()

        for tile_uuid, tile in tiles.items():
            # Define a start and end datetime to get history for:
            start = datetime(2023, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
            end = datetime(2023, 1, 31, 0, 0, 0)
            history = await tile.async_history(start, end)
            # >>> { "version": 1, "revision": 1, ... }


Thanks to all of our contributors so far!

  1. Check for open features/bugs or initiate a discussion on one.
  2. Fork the repository.
  3. (optional, but highly recommended) Create a virtual environment: python3 -m venv .venv
  4. (optional, but highly recommended) Enter the virtual environment: source ./.venv/bin/activate
  5. Install the dev environment: script/setup
  6. Code your new feature or bug fix on a new branch.
  7. Write tests that cover your new functionality.
  8. Run tests and ensure 100% code coverage: poetry run pytest --cov pytile tests
  9. Update with any new documentation.
  10. Submit a pull request!

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