Collection of persistent (disk-based) and non-persistent (memory-based) queues
Project description
Queuelib is a Python library that implements object collections which are stored in memory or persisted to disk, provide a simple API, and run fast.
Queuelib provides collections for queues (FIFO), stacks (LIFO), queues sorted by priority and queues that are emptied in a round-robin fashion.
Queuelib supports Python 3.5+ and has no dependencies.
You can install Queuelib either via the Python Package Index (PyPI) or from source.
To install using pip:
$ pip install queuelib
To install using easy_install:
$ easy_install queuelib
If you have downloaded a source tarball you can install it by running the following (as root):
# python install
FIFO/LIFO disk queues
Queuelib provides FIFO and LIFO queue implementations.
Here is an example usage of the FIFO queue:
>>> from queuelib import FifoDiskQueue >>> q = FifoDiskQueue("queuefile") >>> q.push(b'a') >>> q.push(b'b') >>> q.push(b'c') >>> q.pop() b'a' >>> q.close() >>> q = FifoDiskQueue("queuefile") >>> q.pop() b'b' >>> q.pop() b'c' >>> q.pop() >>>
The LIFO queue is identical (API-wise), but importing LifoDiskQueue instead.
A discrete-priority queue implemented by combining multiple FIFO/LIFO queues (one per priority).
First, select the type of queue to be used per priority (FIFO or LIFO):
>>> from queuelib import FifoDiskQueue >>> qfactory = lambda priority: FifoDiskQueue('queue-dir-%s' % priority)
Then instantiate the Priority Queue with it:
>>> from queuelib import PriorityQueue >>> pq = PriorityQueue(qfactory)
And use it:
>>> pq.push(b'a', 3) >>> pq.push(b'b', 1) >>> pq.push(b'c', 2) >>> pq.push(b'd', 2) >>> pq.pop() b'b' >>> pq.pop() b'c' >>> pq.pop() b'd' >>> pq.pop() b'a'
Has nearly the same interface and implementation as a Priority Queue except that each element must be pushed with a (mandatory) key. Popping from the queue cycles through the keys “round robin”.
Instantiate the Round Robin Queue similarly to the Priority Queue:
>>> from queuelib import RoundRobinQueue >>> rr = RoundRobinQueue(qfactory)
And use it:
>>> rr.push(b'a', '1') >>> rr.push(b'b', '1') >>> rr.push(b'c', '2') >>> rr.push(b'd', '2') >>> rr.pop() b'a' >>> rr.pop() b'c' >>> rr.pop() b'b' >>> rr.pop() b'd'
Mailing list
Use the scrapy-users mailing list for questions about Queuelib.
Bug tracker
If you have any suggestions, bug reports or annoyances please report them to our issue tracker at:
Development of Queuelib happens at GitHub:
You are highly encouraged to participate in the development. If you don’t like GitHub (for some reason) you’re welcome to send regular patches.
All changes require tests to be merged.
Tests are located in queuelib/tests directory. They can be run using nosetests with the following command:
The output should be something like the following:
$ nosetests ............................................................................. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 77 tests in 0.145s OK
This software is licensed under the BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the top distribution directory for the full license text.
This software follows Semantic Versioning