tomo3d and other software at ready to use in scipion.
Project description
Scipion plugin for Tomo3D
This plugin allows to use some of the software packages from 3demimageprocessing within the Scipion framework. The binaries for the plugin MUST be downloaded manually:
The plugin can be installed in user (stable) or developer (latest, may be unstable) mode:
1. User (stable) version::
scipion installp -p scipion-em-tomo3d
2. Developer (latest, may be unstable) version::
Clone the source code repository:
git clone
scipion3 installp -p local/path/to/scipion-em-tomo3d --devel
The integrated protocols are:
tomo3d - denoise tomograms
tomo3d - reconstruct tomograms
The installation can be checked out running some tests:
scipion3 tests tomo3d.tests.test_protocol_reconstruct_tomogram
scipion3 tests tomo3d.tests.test_protocol_denoise_tomogram
Fast tomographic reconstruction on multicore computers. J.I. Agulleiro, J.J. Fernandez. Bioinformatics 27:582-583, 2011.
Tomo3D 2.0 – Exploitation of Advanced Vector eXtensions (AVX) for 3D reconstruction. J.I. Agulleiro, J.J. Fernandez. Journal of Structural Biology 189:147-152, 2015.
TOMOBFLOW: feature-preserving noise filtering for electron tomography. J.J. Fernandez. BMC Bioinformatics 2009, 10:178.
TomoEED: Fast Edge-Enhancing Denoising of Tomographic Volumes. J.J. Moreno, A. Martinez-Sanchez, J.A. Martinez, E.M. Garzon, J.J. Fernandez. Bioinformatics 34:3776-3778, 2018.
Contact information
If you experiment any problem, please contact us here:, or open an issue.
We’ll be pleased to help.
Scipion Team