Theming extensions for Plone Websites.
Project description
This Plone Add-On provides some theming extensions for Plone Websites. In order to use it, you would need a diazo theme which supports the provided options.
Mostly Harmless
Available Options
Below is a list of currently supported options. Note that not every theme by default supports all of those options.
Enable Debug Mode
If enabled, the content of the diazo snippets will be visible to the user. If disabled, the content is hidden with CSS. There is also a debug option which will be available as content with the CSS id PLONE_THEMING_DEBUG if enabled. The default is set to False.
Diazo example:
<!-- Show spirit.plone.theming debug output for logged in users, if enabled. --> <before css:theme-children=".wrapper" css:if-content=".userrole-authenticated #PLONE_THEMING_DEBUG"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <xsl:copy-of css:select="#spirit_plone_theming_diazo_snippets" /> </div> </div> </div> </before>
Site Logo
When running on Plone 4, you can upload a custom site logo for your Plone site. In Plone 5 the site logo can be customized in the site settings, so this setting will only be available for Plone 4 or below. If no custom logo is set, Plone’s default logo will be used. For Plone 4 and below, there is a custom logo viewlet which will render the logo based on the theme setting.
Site Favicon
You can upload a custom favicon for your Plone site. Any image format can be uploaded, but *.ico and *.png files work best. If no custom icon is set, Plone’s default favicon will be used. The favicon link HTML markup will be available as content with the CSS id PLONE_THEMING_FAVICON.
Diazo example:
<replace css:theme="head link[rel='shortcut icon']" css:content="#PLONE_THEMING_FAVICON link" />
Header Option
You can select one of the available header options which are provided by the theme, e.g. header-v1 and header-v2. If no option is selected, the theme might render a default header. The selected header option will be available as content with the CSS id PLONE_THEMING_HEADER_OPTION. The theme should set all available header options using the spirit.plone.theming.interfaces.IPloneThemingVocabularies.available_header_options registry key.
Diazo example:
<!-- Define this variable in your main rules.xml file. --> <xsl:variable name="header" css:select="#PLONE_THEMING_HEADER_OPTION"></xsl:variable> ... <!-- Add selected header CSS from spirit.plone.theming. --> <after css:theme-children="html head" css:if-content="#PLONE_THEMING_HEADER_OPTION"> <!-- CSS Header --> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="starts-with($header, 'header-v1')"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/++theme++mytheme/assets/css/headers/header-v1.css" /> </xsl:when> <xsl:when test="starts-with($header, 'header-v2')"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/++theme++mytheme/assets/css/headers/header-v2.css" /> </xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/++theme++mytheme/assets/css/headers/header-v1.css" /> </xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose> </after> <!-- Add default header CSS in case we have no option. --> <after css:theme-children="html head" css:if-not-content="#PLONE_THEMING_HEADER_OPTION"> <!-- CSS Header --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/++theme++mytheme/assets/css/headers/header-v1.css" /> </after>
Color Option
You can select one of the available color options which are provided by the theme, e.g. blue and red. If no option is selected, the theme might use a default color. The selected color option will be available as content with the CSS id PLONE_THEMING_COLOR_OPTION. The theme should set all available color options using the spirit.plone.theming.interfaces.IPloneThemingVocabularies.available_color_options registry key.
Diazo example:
<!-- Add selected theme color option from spirit.plone.theming. --> <after css:theme-children="html head" css:if-content="#PLONE_THEMING_COLOR_OPTION"> <xsl:variable name="color" css:select="#PLONE_THEMING_COLOR_OPTION"></xsl:variable> <link rel="stylesheet" href="{$portal_url}/++theme++mytheme/assets/css/{$color}.css" type="text/css" /> </after> <!-- Add default theme color in case we have no option. --> <after css:theme-children="html head" css:if-not-content="#PLONE_THEMING_COLOR_OPTION"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="{$portal_url}/++theme++mytheme/assets/css/blue.css" type="text/css" /> </after>
Pattern Option
You can select one of the available background pattern options which are provided by the theme, e.g. diagonal-noise and fabric-plaid. If no option is selected, the theme might use a default pattern. The selected pattern option will be available as content with the CSS id PLONE_THEMING_PATTERN_OPTION. The theme should set all available pattern options using the spirit.plone.theming.interfaces.IPloneThemingVocabularies.available_pattern_options registry key.
This option could also be used to switch between color modes, e.g. light and dark, if no patterns are available in the theme.
Diazo example:
<!-- Define this variable in your main rules.xml file. --> <xsl:variable name="pattern" css:select="#PLONE_THEMING_PATTERN_OPTION"></xsl:variable> ... <!-- Add selected pattern option from spirit.plone.theming. --> <after css:theme-children="head" css:if-content="#PLONE_THEMING_PATTERN_OPTION"> <!-- CSS Theme --> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="$pattern='dark'"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/++theme++mytheme/assets/css/theme-skins/dark.css" type="text/css" /> </xsl:when> </xsl:choose> </after>
Layout Option
You can select one of the available layout options which are provided by the theme, e.g. wide and boxed. If no option is selected, the theme might use a default layout. The selected layout option will be available as content with the CSS id PLONE_THEMING_LAYOUT_OPTION. The theme should set all available layout options using the spirit.plone.theming.interfaces.IPloneThemingVocabularies.available_layout_options registry key.
Diazo example:
<!-- Define this variable in your main rules.xml file. --> <xsl:variable name="layout" css:select="#PLONE_THEMING_LAYOUT_OPTION"></xsl:variable> ... <!-- Add required CSS classes to body tag based on spirit.plone.theming settings. --> <before theme-children="html/body"> <xsl:attribute name="class"><xsl:value-of select="/html/body/@class" /> <!-- Add selected layout classes from spirit.plone.theming to body tag. --> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="$layout='boxed'"> <xsl:value-of select="' boxed-layout container'" /> </xsl:when> </xsl:choose> ... </xsl:attribute> </before>
Add a slogan for your website (HTML is supported). The slogan will be available as content with the CSS id PLONE_THEMING_SLOGAN.
Diazo example:
<replace css:content="#PLONE_THEMING_SLOGAN" css:theme="#header-headline" /> <drop css:if-not-content="#PLONE_THEMING_SLOGAN" css:theme="#header-headline" />
Phone Number
Add a phone number for your primary website contact. The phone number will be available as content with the CSS id PLONE_THEMING_PHONE_NUMBER and PLONE_THEMING_PHONE_NUMBER_RAW (all non-number characters removed).
Diazo example:
<replace css:content="#PLONE_THEMING_PHONE_NUMBER" css:theme=".site-social-links .phone" /> <drop css:if-not-content="#PLONE_THEMING_PHONE_NUMBER" css:theme=".site-social-links .phone" />
E-Mail Address
Add a valid email address. The email address will be available as content with the CSS id PLONE_THEMING_EMAIL.
Diazo example:
<replace css:content="#PLONE_THEMING_EMAIL" css:theme=".site-social-links .email" /> <drop css:if-not-content="#PLONE_THEMING_EMAIL" css:theme=".site-social-links .email" />
Hide Search Box
If enabled, the search box (available in the header part) will be removed in the theme. The searchbox option will be available as content with the CSS id PLONE_THEMING_HIDE_SEARCHBOX if enabled.
Diazo example:
<replace css:if-not-content="#PLONE_THEMING_HIDE_SEARCHBOX" css:theme=".site-search"> <xsl:for-each css:select="#portal-searchbox form"> <form><xsl:copy-of select="attribute::*[not(name()='class')]" /><xsl:attribute name="class">site-search <xsl:value-of select="@class" /></xsl:attribute> <div class="input-append"> <xsl:copy-of css:select="#searchGadget" /> <xsl:for-each select="//input[@class='searchButton']"> <button><xsl:copy-of select="attribute::*[not(name()='class')]" /><xsl:attribute name="class">btn <xsl:value-of select="@class" /></xsl:attribute> <i class="icon-search"></i> </button> </xsl:for-each> </div> </form> </xsl:for-each> </replace> <drop css:theme=".site-search" css:if-content="#PLONE_THEMING_HIDE_SEARCHBOX" />
Custom Colophon Text
Add your custom colophon text (HTML is supported). The colophon text will be available as content with the CSS id PLONE_THEMING_COLOPHON_TEXT. You can also add the following variables:
<p>Powered by Plone, Python & <a href="{portal_url}">Your Company Name</a></p>
Diazo example (Plone 5):
<!-- Replace colophon information with Plone version. --> <replace css:if-not-content="#PLONE_THEMING_COLOPHON_TEXT" css:theme-children=".footer-colophon p" css:content-children="#portal-footer-wrapper #portal-colophon .portletContent" /> <replace css:if-content="#PLONE_THEMING_COLOPHON_TEXT" css:theme-children=".footer-colophon" css:content-children="#PLONE_THEMING_COLOPHON_TEXT" />
Hide Colophon Text
If enabled, the colophon text (available in the footer part) will be removed in the theme. The colophon option will be available as content with the CSS id PLONE_THEMING_HIDE_COLOPHON if enabled.
Diazo example:
<rules css:if-not-content="#PLONE_THEMING_HIDE_COLOPHON"> ... </rules> <drop css:theme-children=".footer-colophon" css:if-content="#PLONE_THEMING_HIDE_COLOPHON" />
Additional Available Snippets
The following snippets are always available, as soon as the add-on is activated.
It will show the currently used Plone major version number. It will be available as content with the CSS id PLONE_THEMING_PLONE_VERSION_${plone_version}, e.g. PLONE_THEMING_PLONE_VERSION_4 for Plone 4.
Diazo example:
<rules css:if-content="#PLONE_THEMING_PLONE_VERSION_4"> <!-- Do some Plone 4 specific stuff --> </rules> <rules css:if-content="#PLONE_THEMING_PLONE_VERSION_5"> <!-- Do some Plone 5 specific stuff --> </rules>
Checks if is available. It will be available as content with the CSS id PLONE_THEMING_THEMINGPLUGINS_AVAILABLE.
Diazo example:
<rules css:if-content="#PLONE_THEMING_THEMINGPLUGINS_AVAILABLE"> <!-- Load views defined with --> </rules>
Checks if collective.themefragments is available. It will be available as content with the CSS id PLONE_THEMING_THEMEFRAGMENTS_AVAILABLE.
Diazo example:
<rules css:if-content="#PLONE_THEMING_THEMEFRAGMENTS_AVAILABLE"> <!-- Load fragments defined with collective.themefragments. --> </rules>
Checks if rapido.plone is available. It will be available as content with the CSS id PLONE_THEMING_THEMEFRAGMENTS_AVAILABLE.
Diazo example:
<rules css:if-content="#PLONE_THEMING_RAPIDO_AVAILABLE"> <!-- Load rapido.plone components. --> </rules>
Adding Available Options From Within A Diazo Theme
By default, the available options for header, footer, color and layout are empty. But a theme can add it’s options to the list of available items by adding elements to the plone.registry based record values. The values are then provided as a vocabulary to the theming settings. The records are defined in spirit.plone.theming.interfaces.IPloneThemingVocabularies. Currently the following records are available:
A theme could add the records on installation time using the registry.xml GenersicSetup import step:
<registry> <record field="available_color_options" name="spirit.plone.theming.interfaces.IPloneThemingVocabularies.available_color_options" interface="spirit.plone.theming.interfaces.IPloneThemingVocabularies"> <value> <element>color-1</element> <element>color-2</element> </value> </record> <record field="available_footer_options" name="spirit.plone.theming.interfaces.IPloneThemingVocabularies.available_footer_options" interface="spirit.plone.theming.interfaces.IPloneThemingVocabularies"> <value> <element>footer-default</element> <element>footer-v1</element> <element>footer-v2</element> </value> </record> <record field="available_header_options" name="spirit.plone.theming.interfaces.IPloneThemingVocabularies.available_header_options" interface="spirit.plone.theming.interfaces.IPloneThemingVocabularies"> <value> <element>header-default</element> <element>header-v1</element> <element>header-v2</element> </value> </record> <record field="available_layout_options" name="spirit.plone.theming.interfaces.IPloneThemingVocabularies.available_layout_options" interface="spirit.plone.theming.interfaces.IPloneThemingVocabularies"> <value> <element>boxed</element> <element>wide</element> </value> </record> <record field="available_pattern_options" name="spirit.plone.theming.interfaces.IPloneThemingVocabularies.available_pattern_options" interface="spirit.plone.theming.interfaces.IPloneThemingVocabularies"> <value> <element>diagonal-noise</element> <element>fabric-plaid</element> </value> </record> </registry>
When the theme gets uninstalled, the entries should be removed. To do this, add a registry.xml file to your uninstall profile with the following content:
<registry> <record field="available_color_options" name="spirit.plone.theming.interfaces.IPloneThemingVocabularies.available_color_options" interface="spirit.plone.theming.interfaces.IPloneThemingVocabularies"> <value /> </record> <record field="available_footer_options" name="spirit.plone.theming.interfaces.IPloneThemingVocabularies.available_footer_options" interface="spirit.plone.theming.interfaces.IPloneThemingVocabularies"> <value /> </record> <record field="available_header_options" name="spirit.plone.theming.interfaces.IPloneThemingVocabularies.available_header_options" interface="spirit.plone.theming.interfaces.IPloneThemingVocabularies"> <value /> </record> <record field="available_layout_options" name="spirit.plone.theming.interfaces.IPloneThemingVocabularies.available_layout_options" interface="spirit.plone.theming.interfaces.IPloneThemingVocabularies"> <value /> </record> <record field="available_pattern_options" name="spirit.plone.theming.interfaces.IPloneThemingVocabularies.available_pattern_options" interface="spirit.plone.theming.interfaces.IPloneThemingVocabularies"> <value /> </record> </registry>
spirit.plone.theming has a dependency to collective.themesitesetup, which allows the embedding of GenericSetup import and export steps into zipped theme packages. To enable this, add the following lines to your theme’s manifest.cfg:
[theme:genericsetup] install = install uninstall = uninstall
Add the two folders install and uninstall next to your manifest.cfg and copy over the registry.xml files from above.
Thomas Massmann,
0.9 (2019-03-07)
Add Plone 5.2.x compatibility (Python 2.7 only). [tmassman]
Drop Plone 4.2.x compatibility. [tmassman]
Disable CSRF on controlpanel form due tu plone.formwidget.namedfile temp storage. [tmassman]
0.8 (2018-01-17)
Phone numbers starting with a ‘+’ are getting a ‘00’ country code prefix. [tmassman]
Replace deprecated plone.directives.form with plone.supermodel to remove grok dependencies. [tmassman]
0.7 (2017-11-30)
Remove ‘slideshow_fullscreen’ option. [tmassman]
0.6 (2017-10-13)
Add snippets to show availability of theming addons. [tmassman]
0.5 (2017-05-18)
Instead of providing a diazo snippet for the logo, provide a custom logo viewlet. [tmassman]
0.4 (2017-05-18)
Load collective.monkeypatcher, if available, to prevent ConfigurationError. [tmassman]
Add site_logo option to upload a custom site logo (Plone 4 only). [tmassman]
0.3 (2017-01-24)
Add option to hide footer and colophon texts completely. [tmassman]
Update installation docs and documentation images. [tmassman]
0.2 (2017-01-12)
Add site_favicon option to upload a custom favicon. [tmassman]
Update documentation. [tmassman]
0.1 (2016-12-20)
Initial release. [tmassman]