tag_utils is a collection of Pungi compose and Koji tag functions for release-depot.
Project description
tag-utils is a collection of Pungi/Koji tag utilities for release-depot.
tag-utils runs on Python 3.
tag-utils is available on PyPI; it can be installed by running:
pip install tag_utils
Alternatively, one could simply clone this repository and run:
python setup.py install
There is none.
Please fork and issue pull requests.
This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details
0.0.8 (2020-09-10)
Use argparse for tag-over
Add trunk-update wrapper for tag-over
0.0.7 (2020-03-19)
Optimize to avoid double-tagging in tag-over
0.0.6 (2020-01-22)
Add Errata support
0.0.5 (2019-12-18)
Fix install requirements for PyPI
0.0.4 (2019-12-03)
Support separate destination tag
Add “–print” to display packages that would be tagged, but without actually performing any tagging
0.0.3 (2019-04-25)
Support koji inheritance
Fixes for tag-delta output
0.0.1 (2019-04-25)
First published to github