Package for working with Tektronix test equipment
Project description
tektronix is a Python 3.8+ package providing modules and helpers to work with data files from Tektronix test equipment.
Runtime Dependencies
Development Dependencies
Support Tektronix Equipment
Spectrum Analyzers
Below are the modules available in the tektronix package and the compatible equipment for each module:
- rsa500: RSA500 spectrum analyzer
Use the following commands to create a Python virtualenv using pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv, install the requirements in the virtualenv, and list the available Invoke tasks.
$ brew install pyenv pyenv-virtualenv
$ pyenv install 3.13
$ pyenv virtualenv 3.13 tektronix
$ pyenv activate tektronix
$ pip install --upgrade pip
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ inv -l
Sample CSV and other data files
Currently, the only sample files tested are the CSV files from a N9340B and E4411B spectrum analyzer. If you have other data files saved from a Keysight/Agilent/HP piece of test equipment and are willing to share it, please open an issue or submit a pull request to let us know.
Contributions are welcome! To contribute please:
- Fork the repository
- Create a feature branch
- Code
- Submit a pull request
tektronix is released under the MIT license. Please see the LICENSE.txt file for more information.