TSPLIB95 works with TSPLIB95 files.
Project description
TSPLIB 95 is a library for working with TSPLIB 95 files.
Free software: Apache Software License 2.0
Documentation: https://tsplib95.readthedocs.io.
read and write TSPLIB95 file format like a boss
easily convert problems into networkx.Graph instances
supports all fields in the original standard
allows completely custom field and problem declarations
It also has a CLI program to print a tabular summary of one or more TSPLIB95 files… no idea why anyone would want that, but there you have it nonetheless.
See TSPLIB for original details, including file format specification, C++ code, and sample problems.
This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.
0.7.1 (2020-05-08)
Bugfix for StandardProblem.get_nodes ignoring node indices specified in demands
0.7.0 (2020-04-18)
Refactored the models to unify the Problem and Solution classes into the new StandardProblem class.
93% test coverage, including distance functions, parsing functions, and rendering functions.
You can finally write problems in TSPLIB95 format! Render to text, write to file, or save to filepath.
Parsing text, reading files, and loading filepaths are all now supported.
Deprecated the old loading utils.
Custom problems now supported by allowing you to define your own fields.
Library exceptions for parsing and rendering.
Numerous bugfixes for the distance functions (ATT, XRAY*, GEO).
Improved the CLI to use a pager and proper column tabulation.
Made some progress modernizing the FORTRAN code for xray problems.
Added codecoverage metrics and badge.
0.6.1 (2020-01-04)
Fix bug that caused the parser to ignore the first line of a file
0.6.0 (2019-10-19)
Changes to the conversion into a networkx.Graph:
Depot, demand, and fixed edge data have been removed from graph metadata. Depot and demand data is now associated with individual nodes like fixed edge data was (and still is).
Add a normalized parameter to allow nodes to be renamed as zero-index integers when obtaining a networkx.Graph.
Depots, demands, node coordinates, and display data fields now default to empty containers rather than None.
Fixed twine/PyPI warning about long description mime type
0.5.0 (2019-10-02)
New loaders that take just the text - no file necessary!
Invalid keywords now result in a ParsingError
Update the CLI to catch and gracefully handle ParsingError
Fixed a bug when trying to amend an exception with line information
0.4.0 (2019-09-21)
All expected parsing errors are now raised as ParsingError rather than the base Exception type.
Fix name of distance paramter to distances.geographical. Previously it was “diameter” but was used as a radius. It is now “radius”.
Relax restriction on networkx version (now ~=2.1)
Add documentation for each problem field
Other minor documentation changes
Add offical 3.7 support
Add missing history entry for v0.3.3
Remove some dead code
0.3.3 (2019-03-24)
Fix parsing bug for key-value lines whose value itself contains colons
0.3.2 (2018-10-07)
Fix bug in Problem.is_complete that produced a TypeError when run
Fix bug in Problem.is_depictable that produced a TypeError when run
Fix bug in Problem.get_display that produced an AttributeError when run
Added some unit tests for the Problem class
Added some unit tests for the parser module
0.3.1 (2018-10-03)
Fix bug in Problem.is_weighted that caused problems with defined nodes coords to use the unit distance function
0.3.0 (2018-08-12)
Added XRAY1 and XRAY2 implementations
Simplified some of the matrix code
0.2.0 (2018-08-12)
Implement column-wise matrices
Add a utiltiy for loading an unknown file
Fix bug in the ATT distance function
Update the CLI to use the models
Document a bunch-o-stuff
Switch to RTD sphinx theme
Move most utilties into utils
0.1.0 (2018-08-12)
First release on PyPI.