yeecli is a command-line utility for controlling the YeeLight RGB LED lightbulb.
Project description
yeecli is a command-line utility for controlling the YeeLight RGB LED lightbulb. It is released under the BSD license.
Quick start
You can install yeecli with pip:
pip install yeecli
You’re done (make sure developer mode is enabled for your bulb in the app)! Here are a few sample commands:
yee --ip= turn on yee --ip=, toggle yee --ip= rgb ff00ff yee --ip= brightness 100
This is a list of features supported right now and features that I’m wanting to add later.
Currently supported:
Non-music modes
All flow transitions in the protocol
Additional HSV flow transition
Multiple bulbs
Bulb groups
Will probably be supported at some point:
Music mode
To see the commands supported by yeecli, just run it without any commands. It allows you to turn the light bulb on or off, set the RGB value, the color temperature, the HSV value, etc.
yeecli does not support discovery, so you have to specify the IP of the bulb you want to use every time. To make this easier, yeecli supports using a configuration file.
Simply create a file in ~/.config/yeecli/yeecli.cfg that looks something like this:
[default] ip = port = 55433 effect = smooth duration = 500
And the defaults will be loaded from it. All the values in it are optional, and you can override them in the command line when running the script.
You can also specify multiple bulbs like so:
[default] ip = port = 55433 effect = smooth duration = 500 [bedroom] ip = effect = smooth duration = 500 [hallway] ip =,
Then, to select a specific bulb/bulb group, just pass it to the --bulb option:
yee --bulb=bedroom brightness 100