Tools for working with shapefiles, topographies, and polygons in xarray
Project description
Tools for working with shapefiles, topographies, and polygons in xarray
Free software: MIT license
Read a shapefile and obtain an xarray DataArray of field records
Draw shapefile boundaries on gridded data
Plot xarray DataArray data indexed by shapefile records as a choropleth
Getting records for fields in a shapefile
In [1]: import xshape
In [2]: fields, polygons = xshape.parse_shapefile(
...: 'tests/data/shapefiles/CA_counties/CA_counties',
...: encoding='latin1')
In [3]: fields
Dimensions: (shape: 58)
* shape (shape) int64 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ...
Data variables:
STATEFP (shape) <U22 '06' '06' '06' '06' '06' '06' '06' '06' '06' '06' ...
COUNTYFP (shape) <U22 '107' '009' '047' '079' '097' '041' '023' '051' ...
COUNTYNS (shape) <U22 '00277318' '01675885' '00277288' '00277304' ...
GEOID (shape) <U22 '06107' '06009' '06047' '06079' '06097' '06041' ...
NAME (shape) <U22 'Tulare' 'Calaveras' 'Merced' 'San Luis Obispo' ...
NAMELSAD (shape) <U22 'Tulare County' 'Calaveras County' ...
LSAD (shape) <U22 '06' '06' '06' '06' '06' '06' '06' '06' '06' '06' ...
CLASSFP (shape) <U22 'H1' 'H1' 'H1' 'H1' 'H1' 'H1' 'H1' 'H1' 'H1' 'H1' ...
MTFCC (shape) <U22 'G4020' 'G4020' 'G4020' 'G4020' 'G4020' 'G4020' ...
CSAFP (shape) <U22 '' '' '' '' '488' '488' '' '' '' '' '488' '472' ...
CBSAFP (shape) <U22 '47300' '' '32900' '42020' '42220' '41860' ...
METDIVFP (shape) <U22 '' '' '' '' '' '41884' '' '' '' '' '36084' '' '' ...
FUNCSTAT (shape) <U22 'A' 'A' 'A' 'A' 'A' 'A' 'A' 'A' 'A' 'A' 'A' 'A' ...
ALAND (shape) <U22 '12494707314' '2641820029' '5011554680' ...
AWATER (shape) <U22 '37391604' '43810423' '112760479' '820974619' ...
INTPTLAT (shape) <U22 '+36.2288317' '+38.1846184' '+37.1948063' ...
INTPTLON (shape) <U22 '-118.7810618' '-120.5593996' '-120.7228019' ...
Drawing shape boundaries on gridded data
In [4]: import xarray as xr, numpy as np, xshape
# generate sample data
In [5]: da = xr.DataArray(
...: np.cos((
...: np.arange(41*45).reshape((41, 45)) * np.arange(41*45).reshape((45, 41)
...: ).T)/4e5),
...: dims=('lat', 'lon'),
...: coords={
...: 'lon': np.linspace(-125, -114, 45),
...: 'lat': np.linspace(32, 42, 41)})
In [6]: da.xshape.overlay(
...: 'tests/data/shapefiles/CA_counties/CA_counties',
...: encoding='latin1',
...: cmap='YlGnBu');
Plotting regional data in a choropleth
Using the xarray extension, we can plot DataArray data directly:
In [7]: import xshape, xarray as xr, pandas as pd
In [8]: df = pd.read_csv('tests/data/datasets/co-est2016.csv', encoding='latin1')
...: ca = df[(df['STATE'] == 6) & (df['COUNTY'] > 0)].copy()
...: ca['fips'] = df['STATE'] * 1000 + df['COUNTY']
...: da = ca.set_index(['fips'])['POPESTIMATE2016'].to_xarray()
...: da.coords['GEOID'] = ('fips', ), list(map('{:05}'.format, da.fips.values))
...: da = da.swap_dims({'fips': 'GEOID'})
In [9]: da.xshape.plot(
...: 'tests/data/shapefiles/CA_counties/CA_counties',
...: encoding='latin1',
...: cmap='YlGnBu');
We can also combine the information from the fields with the data contained in the DataArray:
In [10]: land_area = (
....: fields
....: .set_coords('GEOID')
....: .swap_dims({'shape': 'GEOID'})
....: .ALAND.astype(float))
In [11]: np.log(da / land_area).xshape.plot(
....: 'tests/data/shapefiles/CA_counties/CA_counties',
....: encoding='latin1',
....: cmap='YlGnBu');
Use shapefiles to reshape gridded/pixel data
0.1.0 (2018-01-13)
First release on PyPI.